New vehicle insurance is one of the most significant choices you will make with respect to your overall insurance needs. Ensure you make the right decision by looking at the options in accident protection accessible to you. It's constantly imperative to have an arrangement that limits your money related dangers and protects your assets. What insurance is right for your new automobile purchase? Here are a few things to consider.
Choose the Right Type of Coverage for Your Vehicle
If you purchase a new car with a loan, or even if you lease a vehicle, you may need to invest in a policy that provides full coverage auto insurance. It is beneficial to limit as many risks to your new automobile as possible with policies such as:
Collision Insurance:
It covers damage to your car that you cause when colliding with another vehicle or object. We highly recommend you always include collision insurance in your auto policy.
Comprehensive Insurance:
Offers protection from almost all vehicle accidents and incidents such as storm damage, flooding, theft, and of course, wrecks. If you have a lien on your vehicle, you will probably have to carry comprehensive insurance.
Liability Insurance:
At the very least, most state’s requirement liability insurance. Buying more extensive coverage is often a better choice. If you go with the bare minimum requirements, it could really cost you a lot more in the long run.
Under-insured/Uninsured Motorist Insurance:
This type of policy helps minimize risks to you if someone else causes damage to your car and they do not carry insurance. Kentucky is a no-fault state!
Gap Insurance
In addition, consider gap insurance. It is an ideal choice for most new vehicle purchases. This is because car values tend to drop significantly after the car pulls off the lot. The ‘gap’ between your car’s value and what is owed would be covered in the event that your vehicle was involved in an accident where there was a total loss.
Insurance Caveats to Keep in Mind
There are many aspects of buying auto insurance that are important and should be well understood before you make your decision. Here are a few things the insurance professionals at Hummel Insurance Newport would love to discuss with you:
- Your policy coverage amount should be enough to cover the value of your car. Be sure to buy enough protection without overspending. Ask about bundling home and auto insurance for example.
- If you have an existing policy, you may be able to add your new vehicle to it. This may help you lower your costs when compared to a separate premium. This is right along the lines of bundling your insurance and saving for doing so.
- If the vehicle has modifications, you may want to purchase coverage to include those items. This is important for things like vehicle wraps and aftermarket stereo systems or wheels.
Buying a new car is exciting. We just want to make sure it goes smooth!
What makes working with Hummel Insurance a great idea is you do not have to worry about your new investment.Hummel Insurance Newport
Hummel & Leibel McGill Insurance is Hummel Insurance Newport. The Hummel Insurance Group has been serving the Tri-State of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana since 1957. We are trusted by thousands to keep themselves, their possessions, and their families protected when accidents occur.
We would love to get you an insurance quote for your automobile, home, business, and much more. We shop for the best rates for your specific needs. You just might be surprised at how much money you can save!
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